Thursday, February 25, 2010

Muscle Pain Behind The Knee Can You Have Sprained Knee, But The Pain Comes From Behind?

Can you have sprained knee, but the pain comes from behind? - muscle pain behind the knee

I've had more exercise lately, and last week I tried to run / walk, instead of walking. I felt good during and after, but the next day and all last week, I still feel a slight pain in his knee, and seems to be worse behind the knee and below the calf area. Well, a week after Mars, the injured muscles behind my knee and the calf in the vicinity of each movement. The pain is not unbearable, but was getting worse. What should I do? I am very concerned because I am not going to the doctor.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Long Term Wig Storage How Do You Store Wigs Long-term?

How do you store wigs long-term? - long term wig storage

Well, I am with the treatment of cancer finally made it, my real hair is growing slowly and I do not wear my wig much more. "I've got a quality human hair wig was so expensive) helped pay (insurance and a summary given me hope, free hats.

I do not know enough (or maybe just a little superstitious) (completed donation mainly luxury goods) in the case of a recurrence of cancer and chemotherapy again someday. I was also a difficult period, wigs, the match was me (my head is small and most were too large caps), and I want to buy more wigs. But I do not see every day in the wells.

I would put them in the long-term storage, but EverytHing See online storage is short term and said, not in a box or a folder lock. What others do with their wigs when you are finished with them?

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

How To Grow Really Short Toenails How Long Will It Take For My Toenail To Grow Back?

How long will it take for my toenail to grow back? - how to grow really short toenails

my top of my big toe nail peelied then hung up. . .
peeled and side by side, like a wing of the nails.
and now its really short and narrow ...
there is no harm
but it seems unpleasant or how long it takes to recover.
I grow my nails like almost ready to grow with the foot, so can u Lil skin first. and I am really short for a lot of skin in the first place
do u know what I mean

or how long it takes
10 points best answer:)

Monday, February 22, 2010

Climbing Harness For 50 Inch Waist Pack Goat Question!?!?

Pack goat question!?!? - climbing harness for 50 inch waist

I have a great package of Boer goats large 50-inch (375 pounds) and I will be charged every day around 50 kg of equipment, training, and even mounted if I climb on my back, I sit and right shoulder in front of the deck play, and can result in a race to the halter and rope. If the total weight of the backpack and my horse says Oury same as 240 pounds and led for 3 years and the vet couldnt be his leg joints and back, in better health, but my question is: Sometimes I just want to take your parcels and a walk outside the camp and what the general public that the people traveling, goats, asked himself the title? (And nobody said I know nothing about goats, or I should not ride goats, because I led for 15 years, and I know that tGoat safer and easier to bear the weight and has not yet appeared, or if it wouldnt let you do damage to me, in fact, it wouldnt take the management, reining in the positive it is safe to see and do not abuse and that my vet out, also once a week for a review)
Here's a picture of my goat is # 5359614604368522034

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Low Blood Platelet With Stomach Flu Why Does My Dog Have Bloody Urine? Can Anyone Provide Some Insight On The Results Of Her Blood Work?

Why does my dog have bloody urine? Can anyone provide some insight on the results of her blood work? - low blood platelet with stomach flu

We have a small Yorkie-Chihuahua mix a year ago and since then we have had him to the vet regularly to take everything from fever, eye infection, a gastrointestinal disease. Six months ago we noticed the urine becomes darker, and it indoors too much water for such a small dog, and brought her back and was prescribed antibiotics and diagnosed with Ehrlichia. He has worked for some time and had no major problems until urine began to appear in the blood, and when she returned immediately took to the vet us more antibiotics. Blood was returned excreted for a few weeks, until the blood in the urine. So I took her back and gave a urine sample and blood. The urine test was negative, but bloodTest showed that the ALT was 10-fold higher than normal, creatine is low in cholesterol is low, eosinophils were high, and platelets were low.

Our vet advised us to them on a daily regimen of 100 mg of SAM-e, 50 mg of doxycycline, 12.5 mg vitamin C, 250 mg of milk thistle and share, and 1 in the Yunnan Paiyao every 8 to 12 hours if we see Blood in the urine.

She is only 8 pounds, so he sleeps a lot, shedding more than usual and lose their appetite. Let's test this week for a Biolysis. They recommend that you use a Biolysis X-rays, then get an ultrasound to see if you do not see exactly what is wrong.

I wonder if anyone has an idea whether there's a witndeal teen dog with the same symptoms or had to be with a sick puppy.

It is heartbreaking, and I wish I could afford only the best medical care so that all ideas give would be helpful.